Gratereaux Delva & Assoc. has developed a specialized Family Law Department, dedicated to serving clients facing a conflict of this nature.

  1. Prenuptial agreements and pre-marital counseling.
  2. Advice on conjugal conflicts and rights and duties of the spouses.
  3. De facto separation: food agreements and suspension of cohabitation. One-sided withdrawal. Personal and property consequences.
  4. Precautionary measures, linked to the family and assets.
  5. Housing protection: allocation of the home, exclusion or reinstatement. Economic compensation.
  6. Food: agreements, food claim between spouses, for children and between relatives. Provisional quota: execution, modification, increase, reduction.
  7. Custody of minor children/personal care. Agreements. Action.
  8. Visitation regime, agreed or established by court. Needs and interests of the minor. Stability and modification. Right of visitation of relatives.
  9. Protection against family violence. Security measures. Access prohibition. Exclusion perimeter.
  10. Measures aimed at individualizing marital property and insurance. Restrictions on the administration and disposition of assets. Measures on commercial companies.
  11. Simulation and fraud between spouses.
  12. De facto unions/convivial unions/concubinage.
  13. Affiliation: determination, acknowledgment, actions to claim extramarital affiliation. Challenge actions and nullity of recognition. Claim of marital child status. Challenge and denial of matrimonial paternity. Challenge of maternity.
  14. Adoption: full and simple. Guard. Requirements. Procedure.
  15. Parental responsibility/Paternal authority: rights and duties over the persons and property of minor children. Authorization to leave the country and to stand trial.